BarFinder - Screenshots and help

What does it look like? The following screenshots are based on version 0 of BarFinder.

startup view

Application home screen. This is shown as soon as a position is found, and is continually updated to show the nearest bars. The distance here is in meters, but a quick preference (menu → preferences) will switch to imperial/US units. The direction, then the average price of your "favourite" drink. are shown. (Your favourite drink defaults to a basic large draft beer) Clicking on a bar will take you to the bar view. The arrows for direction will rotate to stay pointed towards the bar. In this case, the location is downtown Reykjavik, Iceland and we can see that Kaffi Grand has beer for, on average, half the price of Monakó.

bar detail view

Detail view for a bar, now we're in Iceland, showing the price in the local currency. Shows the average prices for all drinks we have data for at that bar. You can hide the bar from future search results, show it on a map, or, if you're close enough, add a price. If you're too far away (more than about 150m), you won't be able to add a price. This is to encourage entering real prices, at the time.

bar shown on map

Showing the bar's location on a google maps view.

add pricing view

Adding a price is as simple as choosing the drink, entering the price, in the local currency, and pressing send. Done! Your "favourite" drink will always be preselected in the drop down box.

preferences for favourite

Choosing menu → preferences → favourite drink from the main screen let's you choose what drink you care about the most. This decides what bar price to show on the main screen, and what will be the default choice when adding a price.

hidden bar list

Choosing menu → preferences → hidden bars will show you the list of bars you have curreny hidden from view. You can hide a bar from the bar detail view, or by long clicking on a bar in the list. You can clear the whole list here, or go to each bar's detail page, and show it again if you wish.

Karl Palsson,